‘In my Stoneprint books I share the histories and ancient lore of the Pacific peoples and my recent research. Placing the latest scientific studies alongside ancestral wisdom creates exciting pathways into the future.

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Photo by Mark Lapwood

Bringing cutting edge science and traditional lore together, helps us discover truths long kept hidden.

We cannot change the past but if we face the truth of the past we can heal the pain of the past and open the way for a future bound by hope.

When the Maori Elders placed in my basket the hidden knowledge of the Waitaha Nation, I was carried into the ancient Polynesian seaways and the lore of the navigation stars, propelled along the mountain trails of the sacred stone, sent into the remarkable gardens in the ocean and the shore, wrapped in the cloak of the secret histories and given access to the highest Houses of Learning.

That astonishing pool of Waitaha knowledge became even deeper as Hawaiian lore and that of the Hopi of Arizona, the Haida of the North West Pacific and the Chumash of California was shared. An incredible store of priceless indigenous wisdom has been my guide and my joy.

My works have been at their request and written with their blessing. As they say in the old way, “The elders set the challenge! The vision is theirs; the messenger but serves. So be it!”

Barry Brailsford MBE


“Barry journeys into the strength, power and spiritual wisdom of indigenous peoples. His work honours the precious knowledge placed in his hands by our elders.
Tuti Hinekahukura, Elder of the Maniopoto tribe of New Zealand
Author of A Gossamer of Wisdom


Beyond the Boundaries of Time, by Barry Brailsford

Beyond the Boundaries of Time

This is the last book I will write

After four years it’s done. Many I met along the way asked, What is this book about? Cushla simply replied, It’s a secret!

While it adds much to Song of Waitaha, echoes Song of the Stone, opens the way to Wisdom of the Four Winds and Song of the Old Tides it goes into places I have not taken readers previously. It’s unique!

Buy Beyond the Boundaries of Time



Wisdom of the Four Winds – Shamanic Wisdom cards (5)

Shamanic Wisdom Cards, Tarot Cards by Barry BrailsfordThe Wisdom Cards, a beautiful set of 50 illustrated cards and book, are not predictive, they merely allow us to pause and look at our situation with the help of the kaitiaki or guide who arrives by chance, through the blind pulling of a card.

Everything and everyone has a spiritual home. In the Maori world of Polynesia it is known as our Tu-ranga-wae-wae, ‘the place where we stand tall.’ That ‘sanctuary’ may or may not be our birthplace, as its power is of many realms. Wisdom of the Four Winds has its spiritual home in New Zealand, a unique gift to the world. Find out more about the wisdom cards.

Buy Wisdom of the Four Winds


Books by Barry Brailsford

Bookshop closed 25 Feb - 31 Mar

As from 25th February until 31st March 2025, we are not accepting any orders. This is not due to a lack of Barry's books but simply a 'time out'.


We hope you will understand and return after 1st April to make your order.


Nga mihi/thank you
Cushla Denton & Barry Brailsford